Welcome to the ESA (A)ATSR Online Dissemination Service

Service News

This service provides access to the ESA ERS-1/2 ATSR and Envisat AATSR full mission L1b dataset from the 4th reprocessing.

For ERS-1, all mission data is available except for the products acquired during the ERS-1 Phase E & F (168 days repeat orbit), which took place from April 1994 to March 1995. The affected products will be integrated at a later stage.

Users can freely browse and search the available products while registration is needed on the ESA Earth Online Portal for data download.

Clicking on the Collections button, the web interface shows the available datasets collection and allows data navigation and selection by tree view, filename, or on a geographical map. In order to download any product of interest, please sign in using the Login button above.

FTPS access: ERS and Envisat (A)ATSR products can also be downloaded from ftps://aatsr-ds.eo.esa.int via common FTP clients using "implicit FTP over TLS" and your own ESA EO Sign In credentials.

If you have not yet requested access to these data collections, visit the dataset description pages on the ESA Earth Online Portal.

Should you need support please contact the ESA EO Help Desk.